SLST aims to develop into a world-class, research-oriented school in life science and technology, drawing strength not only from its outstanding full-time faculty but also from two affiliated world-class biomedical research institutes at ShanghaiTech (including three laboratories led by Nobel laureates) as well as from select faculty members jointly appointed with institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai who conduct world-class research. In addition, SLST have priority access to the state-of-art National Research Facilities, and are developing close collaborations with its neighboring R&D centers of multinational pharmaceutical and biotech companies in Zhangjiang High-tech Park—the “Biopharma Valley” of China.


SLST conducts teaching and research in all fundamental areas of life science. It promotes a new model of liberal-art style education that fosters academic integrity, originality, and innovation. Its research is focused on, but not limited to, genomics and proteomics, epigenetics, RNA biology, systems biology, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, super-resolution microscopy, chemical biology and drug discovery, and translational medicine. SLST encourages interdisciplinary approaches and promotes the model of translational research where basic and applied research are tightly integrated.


SLST is aggressively building its faculty to eventually 100 primary tenure-track faculty positions. Most faculty members receive their PhD and/or postdoctoral training, or formerly held tenure-track faculty positions, in leading US universities and research institutions. The faculty consists of mainly young talents with high motivation and creative energy. SLST is creating a dynamic hub where research, education, innovation and entrepreneurship are tightly integrated to nurture students who are expected to become leading scientists in basic research and innovators/entrepreneurs in biomedical/biotechnical industries.


